Sunday 3 June 2012

Cadbury steps up

Well, it looks like Cadbury has been busy thinking up new ways of presenting chocolate, this is great! I mean block chocolate is good and there are a ridiculous amount of varieties but more innovation is just what the block world needs, and with the new Marvellous Creations range Cadbury has made an exciting offering.

The first variety I have tried is this Jelly popping candy beanies. A mouthful to say and a mouthful to eat! The first thing that strikes you about these new blocks is the irregular pattern. I forsee many disagreements over who got how much lol, most pieces are roughly the same size but some are larger. Also the pieces are quite deep and have different textures on top so it's nothing like eating a normal piece of block chocolate.

Now, the flavour, the chocolate is always nice with it's distinct Cadbury taste, the jelly pieces are like small soft strawberry flavoured gummi beans and they stand out in the flavour profile, they do get into your teeth a bit though which can detract from the chocolate. The beanies are like Smarties and add a crunchy texture, but the real fun is in the popping candy which are similar to Pop Rox. The candy doesn't add any flavour really but turns the eating of chocolate into a new experience that's more fun and frivolous, probably not for the die hard chocolate traditionalists but I like it. Delicious!

A strong opening, there are two or three other flavours which I will take a look at in the future.

1 comment:

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