Saturday 25 February 2012

Vanilla Mars Bar and in general

Hi, as you all know mars bars are pretty good, satisfying, nice amount of chocolate, caramel and nougat.  I don't really buy them that often, usually the fun size ones when they're on special.

These new vanilla mars bars I saw advertised and thought I'd try one. The concept sounded interesting to me and I was expecting the nougat bit to be vanilla and the rest the same. When I ate it I found that the nougat is indeed vanilla and quite nice. The caramel isn't quite the same though, it's like a chocolate caramel hence why it's actually called a Choc Vanilla Mars Bar. While the caramel is nice, it sort of overpowers the flavour of the vanilla nougat, I would have preferred the original caramel.

Overall quite nice, but I would prefer the original Mars Bar to this one.

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